Friday 4 May 2012


Prophetic Focus: My Case is Different - Gen. 47:15-27.
Week 1:     My case is different Part I
Introduction: Your case is different - Ex. 19:4-5, 1 Pet 2:9, Is.  60:1-22
God still exempts His people from crisis today. Examples of the church in the wildernessActs 7:38
Ø Exemption from swarm of flies which connotes filthiness, corruption and decadence - Exo.8:20-24
Ø All the cattles of Egypt died but none of the cattles of Israel died – i.e. the businesses / means of livelihood of the Egyptians. -  Exo. 9:1-7
Understand the Covenant and Covenant Channels of Blessings
What is a covenant? A deal enacted by God based on well defined terms and sealed with an oath. Your seed is not a financial donation to help God, the ministry or the minister – No! But your seeds are spiritual transactions for provoking divine intervention. - Heb. 6; 12-18, Ps. 50: 5-6, Gen. 8; 20-22
Covenant channels of blessings include:
·        Tithe – (Mal. 3;6-10, Gen. 14;19, Matt. 23:23, Hebs. 7;8)
·        Worship offerings- (Matt. 12:41-44, Deut. 16:16-17)
·        Kingdom investment( Hag.1: 3-15, Ex. 35:4-16, 22)
Understand why God wants you blessed
·        To establish His covenant( Deut. 8;18, II Cor. 8;9, Gal. 3;13-14)
·        To rescue the saints from shame- (Joel 2:21-27, II Pet. 1;3)
·        To enjoy abundant life(I Tim. 6:17-19)
·        To promote the kingdom(Zech. 1:17, Deut. 26;20-16)
·        To bless humanity (Gen. 12:1-3, 22;:17-19, II Cor. 8;6, I Tim. 6:17-19)

Week 2:     My case is different Part II
Ø Hail and tempest destroyed the land of Egypt , but God exempted His people -  Ex 9:18-26
Ø God exempted Israel from thick darkness-  Ex 10:21-23

Understand the Covenant and Covenant Channels of Blessings
Define the covenant. - Covenant channels of blessings include:
·        Tithe – (Mal. 3;6-10, Gen. 14;19, Matt. 23:23, Hebs. 7;8)
·        Worship offerings- (Matt. 12:41-44, Deut. 16:16-17)
·        Sacrifices – (Ps. 126;1-6, Ps. 20:1-3)
Understand the Supremacy of the Covenant
·        The covenant is superior to prevailing economic circumstances (Gen.42; 15-27, Ps. 33:18-19, 37; 18-19).
·        Famine is synonymous with every generation in history- (Gen. 12:10/13; 2,  26;1/12-14, Gen. 41:5/43;1/12-16)
Understand How God blesses
·        Rain of divine ideas – (Gen. 7:11/Mal. 3;10, Joel 2;21-23, Is. 11:3, Gen.30:37-43)
·        Blessing on the works of your  hand –(Ps. 1;1-3, Job 1:9-10)
·        Rain of divine favour – (Ex. 3; 21/12:36, Gen.39:5/21)

Week 3:     My Case is Different Part III
Ø  Death descended on Egypt but Israel  was exempted- Ex 11:4-7
Ø  We serve a Covenant keeping God who has covenanted to exempt His people from all the ordeals of life if only we will hearken to His voice .-Mal 3:6-18, Heb 13:8, Ps 89:34/ Jer 33:20-25
Understand the Covenant and Covenant Channels of Blessings
Define the covenant. - Covenant channels of blessings include:
·        Tithe – (Mal. 3;6-10, Gen. 14;19, Matt. 23:23, Hebs. 7;8)
·        Worship offerings- (Matt. 12:41-44, Deut. 16:16-17)
·        Giving to parents – (Eph. 6:1-2, Gen. 27:1-15)
Understand when God blesses
·        In due season; When you are due – (Gal. 6:9) 
Covenant gestation cycle:
·        Five (5) years  - (Lev. 19;23-25)
·        One year – (Lk. 13;6-9, Gen. 26;12-14)
·        Many days – (Ecc.11:1-3)
·        Same day –(Gen.22:1-18, I King 3:3-13, 17:8-15)
Understand the Ministry of the Prophets in this regard
Prophets are divine agents of:
·        Restoration – (II Chr.15:3-15)
·        Breakthrough – (Ezra. 4:24/5:1-2)
·        Prosperity – (I King 17;8-15, II Kings 7:1-28)

Week 4:     My case is different Part IV
Ø Exemption from swarm of flies which connotes filthiness, corruption and decadence - Exo. 8:20-24
Ø All the cattles of Egypt died but none of the cattles of Israel died – i.e. the businesses / means of livelihood. -  Exo 9:1-7
Understand the Covenant and Covenant Channels of Blessings
Define the covenant. - Covenant channels of blessings include:
·        Tithe – (Mal. 3;6-10, Gen. 14;19, Matt. 23:23, Hebs. 7;8)
·        Giving to the poor- (Deut. 15;11, Pr. 28;27 / 19:17, Ps. 41:1-3)
·        Giving to prophets – ( Matt. 10:41, I Kings 17:7-15, II Kings 4:1-16)

Walking in the steps of Abraham – Is. 51:1-3, Heb. 6:12-15
·        Spirituality – (I cor. 2:14, Rev. 1:10)
·        Prosperity mentality –(Gen. 12:1-4, 13:14-15, pr. 27:3)
·        Faith – (Rms. 4;1-3 /16-21, Heb. 11;4-6)
·        Divine guidance – (Gen. 12;1-4, 22;1-18)
·        Liberality – (Gen. 13;5-13, 18;1-10)
·        Tithing – (Gen. 14;19-20, Heb. 7:1-8)
·        Hard work – (Gen.13; 1-2)

Jesus is Lord!

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