Sunday 8 July 2012


July 2012 Study Guide for Saturday Winners Satellite Fellowship
Prophetic Focus: God’s Wisdom Works – Job 28:7-28
Teaching Series: Keys to Divine Wisdom (Part I-IV)
As a child of the most High God, wisdom is your inheritance. (Matt.11:6)
The manifestation of divine wisdom must be visible and tangible in everything you do. God’s wisdom can make a star out of ‘a nobody’.
But we live in a kingdom that operates on keys. The word keys here represent revelation access to every provision made for us in redemption including Divine Wisdom. (Luke 11:52, Matt.16:18, II Pet. 1:3)

WEEK I: Keys to Divine Wisdom (Part 1)
The fear of the Lord (Pr.1:23)
Ü Joseph – Gen.39:9/42:18, Gen. 41:38-44
Ü Daniel – Dan. 1:8/17, Dan. 5:11/6:1-3
·        The fear of  the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom – Ps 111:10, Pr.9:10
WEEK II:  Keys to Divine Wisdom (Part 2)
Holy Ghost Baptism
·        The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Wisdom as demonstrated by Peter on the day of Pentecost in  Acts 2:1-38
·        The Holy Spirit is the custodian of the seven Spirits of God, because there is only one God, one Spirit and one baptism. I Cor. 12:4-6,  (Rev 3:1,5:6, Is 11:1-3)
·        When one is really filled with the Holy Spirit he will also be filled with the divine wisdom – Lk. 2:40,52
WEEK III: Keys to Divine Wisdom (Part 3)
The Love of God - I Cor.2:6-10
Ü Solomon – I Kings 3:3-13 / 4:29-34
Ü Apostle Paul – Rm.8:35-38/Ph.1:21, II Pet. 3:15
Ü David – I Sam. 13:14, ii Sam. 14:20
·        When one is in love with God, God the only wise pours His wisdom into him.  Jude 25, John 15:15
WEEK IV: Keys to Divine Wisdom (Part 4)
Camping with the wise – I Sam. 10:8-12
·        He that walks with the wise shall be wise - Pr.13:20
·        Iron sharpens iron – Pr.27:17 
·        Lot went with Abraham and prospered along Gen.13:5
·        But a wrong company wrecks a destiny – II Sam. 13:1- 28 ,  I Cor.15:33

Jesus is Lord!

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