Saturday 6 April 2013


SUCCESS-Definition:-it is continuous achievement of set goals
-It is discovering God’s Purpose for your life and pursuing it
-Continuous attainment of desired results

·         Who am I?-
-I am fearfully and wonderfully made
-I am created in the image of God
-I have the Mind of Christ
-I am talented
-I am more than the flowers and the birds of the air
-God loves me so much that He did not spare His only son but gave Him up for me
·         Who are my friends/associates?
-Iron sharpens iron
-Bad company spoils good morals
-They are 3 levels:-Vertical/upward (Mentors/teachers/counselors/parents): Horizontal-same level/colleagues: Downwards (those we mentor/those we advice: those who look up to us for direction, encouragement)
·         Where am I? Where am I going?
-what is your short term, mid term and long term goal?
-what is your vision, mission and target.
-what is your driving force?
-write your vision clearly
-where there is no vision, people perish
·         What am I doing to Achieve my Goals/Targets/Vision?
-avoid negativity (discouragements)
-Be focused (never give up)

·         When-for How long am I here?
-teach me to number my days that I may apply wisdom
-must be time bound so that it can be measured
-there is time for everything
·         Whose SUCCESS will it be?
(I come third, I come third nobody will beat me in this world: GOD comes first, my NEIGHBOUR second and I come third)


Prayer 1                  Thanks giving                                                         Psa 95:1-3                               2Chronicles 7:14
Lord, thank you for   answering our Prayers as  People of Kenya. Thank you for   your unspeakable peace in the country. To you alone be all the Glory.
Prayer 2                  GODLINESS ENGENDERS GREATNESS                  Isa35:7-10                               2Tim 2:19-21
Father, let the Theme of this Month, ”GODLINESS ENGENDERS GREATNESS” be evident in my life forever in Jesus Mighty Name.
Prayer 3                  Diverse   Testimonies                            Isa 8:18   John 9:5
Father, shower your people with diverse testimonies, signs and wonders that will keep them rooted to this Assembly   To the Glory and Honour of Your People.
Prayer 4  MULTIPLICATIONS/ GATHERING OF MULTITUDE                                Isa 2:2-3                 Acts 2:47
Father, by  Divine intervention of the Holy Spirit, Bring men, women and children from all the corners of this city and beyond in Jesus Mighty Name.
Prayer 5                  God’s Word/ Servant                             Isa 40:8                   Isa 50:4  
-Father, as you send your Living word today, Reveal yourself and your Greatness to us that will lighten our lives forever in Jesus Name.
-Lord, Anoint your servant afresh today and cause Him to Minister a word in season by the power of the Holy Spirit.