Saturday 28 July 2012


Winners’ Chapel Sunday school – /Othaya/Karatina   
 Date:22nd July 2012
Ages: 1 - 15 Years
Waves of Glory: 2012
Prophetic Focus: GOD’S WISDOM WORKS Job 28:7-28
Welcome All the Children by greeting each one of them. Ask them how the week was; how school is/how home is. What they enjoyed most in school and what they did not like.
Do a recap of last Sunday’s lesson. Ask the children e.g. (What is the prophetic Focus for the month of July? Memory Verses? Biblical Character? Ask about the 3 temptations of Jesus: Different songs sang (sing –seek yee first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…..: Oh be careful little mouth what you say…..
Text Luk 2:40 And Jesus grew and became strong:He was filled with wisdom,and the Grace of God  was upon Him
BIBLICAL CHARACTERJesus:When He was 12 years old,together with His parents(ask the children who were the parents of Jesus) went to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover,  but after  the feast was over,the parents were returning home together with other people.  They thought that Jesus was also there.After travelling for one day,they noted that Jesus was not there and they became worried.  They returned to Jerusalem to look for Him. After 3 days of looking for Him in Jerusalem,,they found Him in the temple with teachers ,listening to them,and asking them questions and everyone who heard Him was amazed at His understanding and His answers.(Luke 2:41-51)
Songs—My Bible: the B-I-B-L-E:…(2)Oh be careful little hands what you do……..
MEMORY VERSE Pro 13:20 He that walks with wise men shall be wise. But a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
Objective: Teach and Help the children understand how to get  divine wisdom.

1.        Holy Ghost Baptism(speaking in tongues)ask the children what is speaking in tongues.  Ask them how many can speak in tongues. Explain what speaking in tongues means).  The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Wisdom as demonstrated by Peter on the day of Pentecost(Acts 2:1-38)
2.        Camping/Being friends with the wise(like Jesus and the teachers in the temple).Pro 27:17 Iron sharpens iron:Gen 13:5 Lot(Abraham’s nephew) went with him snd prospered along because Abraham was already blessed by God.:1 Cor 15:33 Do not be misled,bad company spoils good character(good manners)
CHALLENGE FACTOR: who are my friends?
ALTER CALL.                   


Winners’ Chapel Sunday school – /Othaya/Karatina   
 Date: 29th July 2012
Ages: 1 - 15 Years
Waves of Glory: 2012
Prophetic Focus: GOD’S WISDOM WORKS Job 28:7-28
Welcome All the Children by greeting each one of them. Ask them how the week was; how school is/how home is. What they enjoyed most in school and what they did not like.
Do a recap of last Sunday’s lesson. Ask the children e.g. (What is the prophetic Focus for the month of July? Memory Verses? Biblical Character? Ask the children the meaning of the word wisdom: Different songs sang (sing –seek yee first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…..: Oh be careful little mouth what you say…..
Text Job 28:28 And God said to man ‘the fear of the Lord: that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.
BIBLICAL Joseph: parents were Jacob and Rachel: his wife was Asenath:his children were Manasseh and Ephraim. He had 12 brothers and one sister(Reuben,Simeon,Levi,Judah,Issachar,Zebulun,Dan,Naphtali,Gad,Asher,Benjamin,Dinah(Gen 35:23-26:Gen 30:21).he was loved very much by the Father who gave him a coat of many colours and this made the brothers jealous and they planned to kill him.  They dumped him in a dry well but later sold him as a slave to traders doing to Egypt. When he reached Egypt, he became a slave of Potiphar(Pharaoh’s official).Potiphar’s wife was attracted to him and she accused Joseph falsely and he was put in prison.  Though Joseph was mistreated by his brothers, when there was great famine and the brothers came looking for food.  Because Joseph feared the Lord and the WISDOM of God was upon Him, he did not treat his brothers badly, he did not revenge but he helped them get the food. Because of the Wisdom of God in Him, he became a Prime Minister ,yet he was sold as a slave.
MEMORY VERSE Jer 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know
Objective: Teach and Help the children understand how to get  divine wisdom.

1.        Holy Ghost Baptism (speaking in tongues) asks the children what is speaking in tongues.  Ask them how many can speak in tongues. Explain what speaking in tongues means).  The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Wisdom as demonstrated by Peter on the day of Pentecost(Acts 2:1-38)
2.        Camping/Being friends with the wise(like Jesus and the teachers in the temple).Pro 27:17 Iron sharpens iron:Gen 13:5 Lot(Abraham’s nephew) went with him and prospered along because Abraham was already blessed by God.:1 Cor 15:33 Do not be misled, bad company spoils good character(good manners)
3.        Have the fear of the Lord like Joseph
4.        Have a Heart for God like Abraham. (His name meant Father of many nations: his wife was called Sarah. He got his son Isaac (Laughter) at the age of 100 years. And Sarah was 90 years. Abraham trusted and obeyed God only with all his heart until God called him His friend James 2:23.  When Abraham was told to offer his son as a sacrifice, he did not refuse and because of His obedience, God gave Him Wisdom to see a ram.(alternative).Gen 22:1-18
CHALLENGE FACTOR: Am I a friend of God like Abraham?
ALTER CALL.                   

Friday 13 July 2012


Winners’ Chapel Sunday school – /Othaya/Karatina   
 Date: 15th July 2012
Ages: 1 - 15 Years
Waves of Glory: 2012
Prophetic Focus: GOD’S WISDOM WORKS Job 28:7-28
Welcome All the Children by greeting each one of them. Ask them how the week was; how school is/how home is. What they enjoyed most in school and what they did not like.
Do a recap of last Sunday’s lesson. Ask the children e.g. (What was the prophetic Focus for the month of July? Memory Verses? Biblical Character? Ask about the 3 temptations of Jesus: Different songs sang (sing –seek yee first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…..: Oh be careful little mouth what you say…..
Text Isa 55:11 So shall my WORD be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall no return unto me void: but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the things whereto I sent it
BIBLICAL CHARACTER(Num 13&14)Joshua-son of Nun. Another name for Joshua is Hoshea.the name Joshua means: the person by whom God saves: he was Moses helper and escorted Moses up to the mountain of God.(Sinai) for 40 days and 40 nights. One day God spoke to Moses and to send 12 men from the tribe of Judah(means praise) to search Canaan and see whether the children of Israel could go. When the 12 men went there, after 40 days, they returned and said the people who live there are strong, the cities have walls and very great, children of Anak are there who look like giants and we look like grasshoppers.  But CALEB AND JOSHUA did not agree with the report and said No “let us go up at once and possess the land: for we are well able to overcome it” Caleb bad Joshua gave a report that the land is good full of milk and honey.  Then God said, all people shall die but Caleb and Joshua will go to Canaan. Joshua  and Caleb are the only ones who left  Egypt, survived 40 years in the desert and entered the promised land.  When Moses died, because of the Divine wisdom of God that Joshua had, he took over and led Israelites in conquering the Canaanites in order to occupy the promised land.  Joshua and Caleb had the word of God in their hearts which made them wise not to speak against or negative things about the land of Canaan.  
Songs—My Bible: the B-I-B-L-E:…(2)Oh be careful little hands what you do……..
MEMORY VERSE Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth: but though shall meditate there in day and night, that though may observe to do according to all that is written there in: for then you shall make thy way prosperous=s and then you shall have good success.
Objective: Teach and Help the children understand how the word makes wise

1.        Through Prayers(Jer 33:3-call unto me, and I will answer thee and show you great and mighty things which though knows not)
2.        Studying the word of God and applying it in your life (study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth)
BIBLICAL TRUETH: when we pray and study the word of God, we become wise
CHALLENGE FACTOR: when do I pray and study the word of God?(allow a few children to share their experiences)
ALTER CALL.                   

Sunday 8 July 2012


July 2012 Teaching Outlines for Sunday Services
Prophetic Focus: God’s Wisdom Works – Job 28:7-28
Teaching Series:  WHAT WISDOM IS THIS? Mk 6:2 (Part I-V)
General Introduction
What is Divine Wisdom Worth? - Job 28:7-28
·        It levels out challenges (vs9), creates solution and makes discoveries (vs10), is not found in the land of the living (vs13), cannot be bought with money (15-20), has dominion over destruction and death (vs22) and accessible fundamentally by the fear of the Lord (vs28)
·        It is far above all human and intellectual depths (Job 28:14)
·        It engenders supernatural exploits (Mk 6:2)
·        It is wisdom from the word of God The Bible (Job 28:27/Is 34:16)
·        It is Divine wisdom (Job 28:23-27)
·        It is Holy Ghost inspired wisdom (1 Cor 2:12-14/ Is 11:1-3/ Act 2:38-41)
·        And thank God it is the heritage of all the redeemed (Matt 11:19 / 1Cor 2:16)
·        But New birth is key to accessing divine wisdom – Matt.11:19

Four Kinds of Wisdom recognized in scriptures include - Earthly/natural, Sensual/Intellectual, Devilish/ Diabolical, Heavenly/ Divine wisdom (Jam 3:15-17, 1Cor 2:6-7)
The teaching series for this month is What wisdom is this? Mk6:2
Week 1: WHAT WISDOM IS THIS?  (Part I)
What is Divine Wisdom?
·        Applied knowledge of the Truth- Matt 7:24-25
·        Supernatural Insight - Dan. 2:16 -19, Gen. 41:1-44
·        Holy Ghost Inspired Insight from what one sees, hears, reads or observes – Pro. 6:6-9, 24: 27-30, I Kgs 4:29-34
·        Wisdom is knowing the right thing to do from the Word and doing itJn 2:5
Consequently, Divine Wisdom is a product/manifestation of inspired Insights, thoughts, Utterances and Actions.

Access to Divine Wisdom (Is.33:6)

v The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom                                                                     Pro.9:10 / Ps.111:10 Gen.39:9 /42:18,Dan. 1:8 / 1:17 , Dan6:1-3
Example: JosephGen 42:18,Gen 41:38-44
v Inspiration - Gateway to the flow of Divine Wisdom (Job 32:7-8)
How to Access Inspiration

·       A heart for God Jn 15:15
Examples:  *Abraham -Gen 18:17-19/ Jam 2:23/ 2Chr 20:7, Is 41:8      *David – 1Sam 13:14
Ü  A Joyful heart- Is. 12:3, Ps. 16:11, Lk. 10:21/ Mk 6:2/Phil 3:3/  Phil 4:1/ 2Cor 12:7
Ü  Practice of purposeful separation Pro 18:1, Gen 24:63, Ps 46:1
Ü  Focused and keen observation of things around us -Pro 24:27-30, Pro 6:6-9, Ecc 1:13,16
 Week 2: WHAT WISDOM IS THIS? - Mk 6:2 (Part II)
What is Divine Wisdom?
·        Applied knowledge of the Truth: Matt 7:24-25
·         Supernatural Insight: Dan. 2:16 -19, Gen. 41:1-44
·         Holy Ghost Inspired Insight from what one sees, hears, reads or observes – Pro. 6:6-9, 24: 27-30, I Kgs 4:29-34
·        Wisdom is knowing the right way to go by the Spirit and going there – Jhn 8:1-8, Rom 8:14
Consequently, Divine Wisdom is a product/manifestation of inspired Insights, thoughts, Utterances and Actions.

Access to Divine Wisdom (Is.33:6)

v   The Fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom
Pr.9;10 / Ps.111:10, Gen.39:9 /42:18,   Dan. 1:8 / 1:17 ,Dan6:1-3
Example:  DanielDan 1:8/17, Dan 5:11, Dan 6:1-3/23
v   Inspiration - God’s word is the ultimate wisdom of God in print but was totally delivered by inspiration 2Tim 3:16-17 (Lk 11:49)
How to Access Inspiration

·    A heart for God Jn 15:15
Examples:  *Abraham – Gen 18:17-19/ Jam 2:23/ 2Chr 20:7, Is 41:8  * Solomon1Kg 3:3
Ü Praises – I Kings 4:29-34, II Sam.23:1, Is.30-29-31
Ü Practice of purposeful separation Pro 18:1, Gen 24:63, Ps 46:1
Ü Focused and keen observation of things around us -Pro 24:27-30, Pro 6:6-9, Ecc 1:13,16

Week 3: WHAT WISDOM IS THIS? - Mk 6:2 (Part III)
What is Divine Wisdom?
·        Applied knowledge of the Truth- Matt 7:24-25
·        Supernatural Insight- Dan. 2:16 -19, Gen. 41:1-44
·        Holy Ghost Inspired Insight from what one sees, hears, reads or observes –                      Pro. 6:6-9, 24: 27-30, I Kgs 4:29-34
·        Wisdom is knowing the right step to take from the Word and taking itMatt 7:24-25
Consequently, Divine Wisdom is a product/manifestation of inspired Insights, thoughts, Utterances and Actions.                                           

Access to Divine Wisdom (Is.33:6)

v  The Fear of the Lord - which is the beginning of wisdom
Pr.9;10 / Ps.111:10 Gen.39:9 /42:18,  Dan. 1:8 / 1:17 ,Dan6:1-3
Examples: Shedrach, Meshach & Abednego - Dan 1:8/17, Dan 3:1-28
v  Inspiration - The sweet Psalmist of Israel was said to be as wise as the Angel of God                          – 2Sam 23:1-5/ 2Sam 14:20
How to Access Inspiration

·       A heart for God Jn 15:15
Examples:  *AbrahamGen 18:17-19/ Jam 2:23/ 2Chr 20:7, Is 41:8   * Paul – Phil 1:21
Ü  A prayerful lifeDan.2:16-19, Jer.33:3
Ü  Practice of purposeful separation Pro 18:1, Gen 24:63, Ps 46:1
Ü  Focused and keen observation of things around us -Pro 24:27-30, Pro 6:6-9, Ecc 1:13,16
Week 4: WHAT WISDOM IS THIS? - Mk 6:2 (Part IV)
What is Divine Wisdom?
·        Applied knowledge of the Truth- Matt 7:24-25
·        Supernatural Insight - Dan. 2:16 -19, Gen. 41:1-44
·        Holy Ghost Inspired Insight from what one sees, hears, reads or observes Pro. 6:6-9, 24: 27-30, I Kgs 4:29-34
·        Wisdom is knowing the right turn to make by the Spirit and making it Jn 21: 5-6
Consequently, Divine Wisdom is a product/manifestation of inspired Insights, thoughts, Utterances and Actions.

Access to Divine Wisdom (Is.33:6)

v  The Fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom
Pr.9;10 / Ps.111:10,  Gen.39:9 /42:18,   Dan. 1:8 / 1:17 ,Dan6:1-3
Examples: Job Job 1:1-3, Job 29:3-18
v  Inspiration - Solomon the wisest in his time operated by Divine Inspiration to emerge the wisest in his time – he wrote 1005 songs and 3000 proverbs. (1Kg 4:32)
How to Access Inspiration

·       A heart for God Jn 15:15
Examples:  Abraham – Gen 18:17-19/ Jam 2:23/ 2Chr 20:7, Is 41:8     *Daniel – Dan 1:8/ Dan 6:5-23
Ü  A Studious Life Ezek. 2:2, Dan.9:2 /Dan. 5:11, II Tim. 4:13/ II Pet. 3:15, Act 8:26-35
Ü  Practice of purposeful separation Pro 18:1, Gen 24:63, Ps 46:1
Ü  Focused and keen observation of things around us -Pro 24:27-30, Pro 6:6-9, Ecc 1:13,16

Week 5: WHAT WISDOM IS THIS? - Mk 6:2 (Part V)
What is Divine Wisdom?
·        Applied knowledge of the Truth: Matt 7:24-25
·         Supernatural Insight: Dan. 2:16 -19, Gen. 41:1-44
·         Holy Ghost Inspired Insight from what one sees, hears, reads or observes – Pro. 6:6-9, 24: 27-30, I Kgs 4:29-34
·        Wisdom is knowing the right thing to say by Divine Inspiration and saying it Lk 21:15 / Matt 10:20
Consequently, Divine Wisdom is a product/manifestation of inspired Insights      , thoughts, Utterances and Actions.

Access to Divine Wisdom (Is.33:6)

v  The Fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom
Pro9:10 / Ps.111:10, Gen.39:9 /42:18,   Dan. 1:8 / 1:17 ,Dan6:1-3
Example : Paul the Apostle - 1Thess 2:10, 2 Pet 3:15
v Inspiration - Gateway to the flow of Divine Wisdom (Job 32:7-8)
How to Access Inspiration

·       A heart for God Jn 15:15
Examples: *Abraham – Gen 18:17-19/ Jam 2:23/ 2Chr 20:7, Is 41:8  * Shedrach&Co Dan 3:1-28 (17-18)
Ü  Keeping company with the wise Ps.1:1-3, Pr.13:20, I Sam. 10:10-12, Pro 27:19/1Cor 15:33/ 2Sam.13:1-20
Ü  Practice of purposeful separation Pro 18:1, Gen 24:63, Ps 46:1
Ü  Focused and keen observation of things around us -Pro 24:27-30, Pro 6:6-9, Ecc 1:13,16
Jesus is Lord!