Friday 1 November 2013


 WCI – Sunday school
 Date:  20TH Oct 2013
LESSON OUTLINE WEEK: Ages: 1 - 15 Years
Double Portion Next Levels 2013
Prophetic Focus:  “MY SEASON OF ENCOUNTER WITH POWER” Psa 63:1-3
Psa 63:1-3-O God(Holy Spirit),you are my God: early will I seek you: my soul thirsts/(wants/needs/pants) for you, my flesh longs(desires) for you in a dry and thirsty land, where no water(symbol of the Holy Spirit) is:  To see your power (Revelation, prophecy, wisdom, understanding, knowledge… )and your Glory (wonders,miracle&signs) so as I have seen you in the sanctuary(church): because your loving kindness (fruits of the Holy Spirit) is better than life, my lips shall praise you
Welcome All the Children by greeting each one of them. Ask them how the week was; how the school/ Exams/home was; Ask them about their: friends; teachers: ask them activities they did etc
Do a recap of last week’s  lesson. Ask the children e.g. (Who were the Biblical Character? Memory Verse?  The songs we sang: Prophetic focus for the month of October: Theme of the year:
Objective: Teach and Help the children understand How to know that the Holy Spirit is in our lives.
Ask the children whether any has ever received the Holy Spirit and how the experience was and let a few children explain…
Text :1 Cor 2:10 But God hath revealed [them] unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God.

  • Praying  in different  tongues/languages that only God knows  Rom 8:26
  • A deeper understanding/revelation of the word of God in our lives  which lifts our faith to the next level Rom 10:17 :1 Cor2:10
  • Living a life of Holiness because the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Holiness Eze 36:27(Ask the children the meaning of the word Holiness: how to live a Holy life)

Song –Love, Joy, Peace, Patience , Kindness, goodness, Faithfulness and Humility ,self control the fruits of the Holy Spirit

BIBLICAL CHARACTER: Temptation of Jesus Christ Luke 4:1-14:Mat 4:1-11
Bible Trivia-(1) How many times did Satan tempt Jesus?
(2)What did Jesus reply in return?-IT IS WRITTEN……..
(3)How was Jesus able to overcome the temptations? He was full of the Holy Spirit who is our Guide: teacher and helper in times of temptations
(4) How many days and nights did Jesus Fast?
MEMORY VERSE   Isa 50:4 The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to [him that is] weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.
BIBLICAL TRUTH: Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Holiness
CHALLENGE FACTOR: Have you received the Holy Spirit in your life?
POSITIVE CONFESSION: Holy Spirit in my life will help me live a Holy life Always

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