Friday 30 November 2012

sunday school teachings 18/11/12

Winners’ Chapel Sunday school – Othaya/Karatina   
 Date:  18th November 2012
Ages: 1 - 15 Years
Waves of Glory: 2012
Prophetic Focus:   IT IS MY SEASON OF SUDDEN VISITATION BY GOD (Acts 16:25-26)
Welcome All the Children by greeting each one of them. Ask them how the week was; how the school Exams/home was; Ask them about their: friends; teachers etc
Do a recap of last Sunday’s  lessons. Ask the children e.g. (Who were the Biblical Characters for last  Sunday’? Memory Verses?  The songs we sang: Prophetic focus for the  month…..
Ask the children the meaning of DIVINE&VISITATION. Ask the Children how does God visit His people today (let them give suggestions). Ask the children how God visited People in the Bible. Ask the children who were visited in the Bible and what happened when they were visited: Ask the children-who has ever been visited by God and how and what happened?
Text Acts16:25-26 About Midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the other prisoners were listening to them.  Suddenly, there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken.  At once all the prison doors flew open and everybody’s chain came loose.
BIBLICAL CHARACTER: DAVID(read 1 Samuel 16:1-13: 1 sam 17:23-54:
His father was called?
Which book of the Bible did he write?
Who were the brothers of David?
Who anointed David?  Who did David Kill?
What work did he do?
MEMORY VERSE  Psalm 34:1 I will Bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually/always  be in my mouth.
Objective: Teach and Help the children understand benefits of Divine Visitation
1.       To  receive divine visitation, we must always Praise God Psalm 119:164 Heb 13:15

BIBLICAL TRUTH: God visits us when we Praise
CHALLENGE FACTOR: how many times in a day/week do you praise God?
POSITIVE CONFESSION:I will always Praise God at all times


Prayer 1                 Thanks giving                                                        Psalm 103:1-5
Lord, we thank you for the success of all our services and programs in this Assembly this month; every step has been a lifting because your hand has been with us.  Take all the Glory
Prayer 2                 God’s Word                                                           Psalm 119;105
Lord, as you send your word today my direction, let it  light  my path of life in Jesus Name .
Prayer 3                 Multiplication of Testimonies                           1 Peter 2:9
Lord, confirm your word with fearful testimonies, signs and wonders  in the lives of your people as we Praise you this Month.
Prayer 4                 Shiloh 2012                                                           2 Cor 3:18
Lord, we pray that this year’s Shiloh shall be a mountain of transfiguration and transformation from one Glory to the other  for every participant in Jesus Name
Prayer 5                 God’s Servant                                                       1 Sam 16:13
Father, anoint your Servant afresh today; use Him as a vessel of Honour and  honor us with your presence In Jesus Mighty Name.


Prayer 1                 Thanks giving                                                        Psalm 105:1-5
Lord, we thank you for the  new month and the success of all our services and programs in this Assembly in the last 10 months; every step has been a lifting because your hand has been with us.  Take all the Glory
Prayer 2                 God’s Word                                                           Psalm 107:20
Lord, may you send us your word today and deliver, heal, anoint, set the captives free in Jesus Mighty name.
Prayer 3                 Multiplication of Testimonies                           Mark 16:20
Lord, turn every family in this assembly into a sign and a wonder by multiplying testimonies in our lives in Jesus name
Prayer 4                 Shiloh 2012                                                           Isa 61:17
Lord, let Shiloh 2012 theme of “Double Portion” answer in the lives of every Winner in Jesus name
Prayer 5                 God’s Servant                                                       Isa 61:1-2
Father, anoint your Servant afresh today: give him the tongue of the learned by your Holy Spirit and honor us with your Presence in this service In the Precious name of Jesus.

sunday school teaching 4/11/12

Winners’ Chapel Sunday school – Othaya/Karatina   
 Date:  4th November 2012
Ages: 1 - 15 Years
Waves of Glory: 2012
Welcome All the Children by greeting each one of them. Ask them how the week was; how the school/home was; Ask them about their: friends; teachers etc
Do a recap of last Week’s lessons. Ask the children e.g. (Who were the Biblical Characters for the different Sundays’? Memory Verses?  The songs we sang: Prophetic focus for the  month…..
Ask the children the meaning of being righteous/blameless/upright/good before the eyes of God…. Ask the children the opposite of being Blameless and some of the things that righteous and unrighteous people do….ask the children who were righteous people in the Bible…ask the children examples of unrighteous people from the Bible….
Text Psalm 92:12-15 The righteous will flourish/increase/prosper like a palm tree ,they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon: planted in the House of the Lord: they will flourish in the courts  of our God: they will still bear fruit in old age: they will stay fresh and green proclaiming “the Lord is upright: He is my Rock and there is no wickedness in Him”
BIBLICAL CHARACTER: JOB: Job 1: He was from a county called Uz.  He was a righteous man:He feared God:was upright:blameless:shunned evil:
Ask Children-who tempted Job and How?
How many children did Job have?
-after Job suffered, who came to comfort Him?3 friends(Eliphaz,Bildad,Zophar)
-what was his wealth in the beginning?(7,000 sheep:3,000 camels:500 oxen:500 donkeys)
-what was his wealth after breakthrough?(14,000 sheep:6,000 camels:1,000 oxen:1,000 donkeys- 3 daughters-Jemimah:Keziah:Keren:7 sons)DOUBLE PORTION
MEMORY VERSE  BEATITUDEL Mat 5:3-11)Mat 5:8 Blessed are the pure in HEART for they will see GOD
Objective: Teach and Help the children understand benefits of being righteous
1.      When we are righteous, we enjoy supernatural/divine/Godly Breakthroughs like Job (Job 1)
2.     When we are righteous, we get supernatural promotions Pro 14:34 Righteousness promotes/lifts/exalts a Nation: but sin is a reproach to any people
3.     When we are Righteous, Our prayers are answered even before we pray Acts 16:25-27 Like Paul and Silas at the prison, when they prayed and sang to God, prison doors did not need the soldier to open them but God opened them
BIBLICAL TRUTH: Divine Breakthrough and answered prayers are for the Righteous
CHALLENGE FACTOR: Am I righteous/blameless before God? Do I fear God with all my Heart like Job?
POSITIVE CONFESSION: Breakthrough and answered Prayers are my Birthright in JESUS NAME! AMEN