Saturday 3 November 2012

Prophetic Theme for November 2012

From:             President, WMA
To:                  All Mission Stations
Subject:         Prophetic Theme for November 2012
Date:              October 29, 2012

Glory greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ.

In fulfillment of scriptures, God is really crowning the year with His goodness for us in the Winners family. The cleansing and sanctification that has taken place amidst us through the month of October has been awesome as validated by diverse testimonies among God’s people. By His grace we are now a people sanctified and fit for the master’s use and ready to enjoy the splendor of heaven for eternity. And because whatever the Lord does shall be forever, this spiritual turnaround experience shall become the lifestyle of every Winner in Jesus name. Amen

But what is God saying to us as a church family this month?

We recognize that we serve a God of sudden visitation (Mal 3:1)
More often than not, God steps into the affairs of men suddenly (Mk 13:36-37)
Remember also that God said “I am the Lord, I change not” (Mal 3:6)
For example:
v On one ordinary day God visited Abraham turning a 75 year old man to a symbol of generational blessings – Gen 12:1-4/ Gal 3:13-14
v God also visited Moses suddenly in a ‘burning bush’ making him a deliverer out of a fugitive – Ex 3:1-10/Ex 11:3
v Again, God suddenly visited Gideon and turned an ordinary man to a mighty man of valour (Judge 6& 7)
v Our God visited David suddenly, making a king out of a little shepherd boy.
-         1Sam 16:7-13/ Ps 78:70-72
v God suddenly visited Solomon at Gibeon and made him the greatest king of his time, though he earlier confessed he did not know how to go about his assignment.
-         1Kg 3:3-13/ 1Kg 4:29-34
v Jesus visited Simon Peter suddenly and made him a Chief Apostle out of a ‘failed –fisherman’ – Lk 5:1-8
v Christ also appeared suddenly to Saul of Tarsus on His way to Damascus and that changed his destiny forever. - Act9:3-5/ 2Tm 4:5-7
Ø My God will surely visit  every Winner this month  (Gen 50:24)                                                                                                        
Ø Suddenly you will discover that all your afflictions are gone.

Ø Suddenly you will discover a dramatic turnaround in every area of your life
Ø Suddenly you will discover a new order of peace, joy and harmony in your family.
Ø Suddenly you will discover a turnaround in your finances.
But remember, no one can host a king without preparation (Is 40:3-5/ Is 62:10-11)
Therefore to qualify for divine visitation, everyone must prepare the way for the King of kings into his/her affairs.

We understand from scriptures that praises is a vital platform that qualifies one for divine visitation; because God only inhabits the praise of His people – Ps 22:3

In the days of Jehoshaphat, as the people began to sing and to praise; God stepped in suddenly and supernatural victory was secured. 2Chr 20:22-24
Also when Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises; God came down suddenly and their chains fell off. – Act 16:25-36
And because every divine agenda speaks loudest at the end, the month of November shall be a most unique month for all WinnersHab 2:1-3/ Ecc 7:8
Therefore the Prophetic theme for November 2012 is:
-  Act 16:25-26
As the Lord lives, sudden turnaround shall be the portion of every Winner in this glorious month.
My God will surely visit you and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him.
It’s time to prepare the way of the Lord in high praises as we set ourselves for His sudden visitation this month …Ps 65:5-7

Recommended books of the month authored by Dr David O. Oyedepo include:
ü Understanding the Power of Praise
ü Wonders of Praise

Remain ever Blessed.

Jesus is Lord!

Bishop David O. Oyedepo

·        This is to be read on Sunday 4th November, 2012
·        Every service all through the month of November shall be Hosanna services where there shall be 15-20minutes of high praises and instant testimonies shall also be taken
·        Also be reminded that the last One Night with the King shall come up next week Friday 9th November, 2012 with live broadcast from Canaanland. Time is 10 :00pm

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