Friday 9 November 2012

sunday school teachingsfor 11/11/12

Winners’ Chapel Sunday school – Othaya/Karatina   
 Date: 11th November 2012
Ages: 1 - 15 Years
Waves of Glory: 2012
Prophetic Focus:  IT’S MY SEASON FOR SUDDEN VISITATION Acts 16:25-26
Welcome All the Children by greeting each one of them. Ask them how the week was; how the school was; how were the exams? Ask them what numbers they were? friends; teachers, parents.
Do a recap of last Sunday’s lesson. Ask the children e.g. (Who was the Biblical Character? Memory Verses?  The songs we sang: Prophetic Focus:
Text Acts 3:5 So the man gave them(Peter and John) attention ,expecting to get something from them -EXPLAIN-just like water is a must for survival /pleasant to fish, Expectation/Faith/hope invites God’s Presence/attention in our lives: therefore for Divine/Sudden/immediate visitation ,we must have hope/Faith/expectations/matarajio.
BIBLICAL CHARACTER: The cripple man at the Beautiful Gate Acts 3:1-8(ask the children to name/write in 2 minutes the disciples of Jesus: award the child who gets the highest number of Disciples: then ask them what they know about a gate called Beautiful: then tell the story) one dayPeter and John were going to church to pray at three in the afternoon.  On their way, they met a man who had been crippled since birth being carried to the gate of the church called Beautiful.  He used to be put there every day to beg from people going to church. When the crippled man saw Peter and John, he asked them for money.  Peter and John looked straight at him.  Then Peter said “look at us” so the man looked at them with EXPECTATIONS/HOPE/FAITH that he would get some money from them. Then Peter said “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give you.  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, WALK” Peter took the hand of the cripple and SUDDENLY/IMMEDIATELY/INSTANTLY/MARA HIYO HIYO the man’s feet and ankles became strong.  He jumped to his feet and began to walk.  Then he went with them into the church, walking, jumping and praising God.
MEMORY VERSE: Pro 24:14 know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul: if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your expectations will not be cut off.
Objective: Teach and help the children understand how to receive sudden/immediate/instant visitation from God
1)we must always be very expectant /have hope just the cripple man who used to appear at the gate called Beautiful expecting to get money from the people who passed by and came to church(Acts 3:1-10)

BIBLICAL TRUTH: my expectations will not be cut off (Pro 24:14)
CHALLENGE FACTOR: what am I expecting God to do for me (in school, in life, with my parents, friends-let them share with other children)


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