Saturday 3 November 2012

November 2012 Teaching Outline for Midweek Services

November 2012 Teaching Outline for Midweek Services
                 Prophetic Focus: “IT’S MY SEASON OF SUDDEN VISITATION” (Act 16:25-26).

Theme: Experiencing the Wonders of Divine Visitation (Part I-IV)

Text: Gen 50:24

Introduction: Every divine visitation usually culminates in supernatural turnaround. When God visited Egypt, Israel was set free from 430years bondage. They were not only set free,
“He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.” Ps 105:37. Remember Joseph earlier prophesied:
 “….God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land unto the land ……...” Gen 50:24
We saw how God visited them and turned their shame to glory overnight. In the same vein, God’s visitation will bring every Winner under the shadow of the waves of Glory in this new month. More often than not divine visitation comes through the ministry of prophets.                             (Ex 3:1-10/ Hos 12:13, Lk 7:16/ Act 3:22)

Week 1: Experiencing the Wonders of Divine Visitation - Part I
·        Abraham’s sudden encounter with God resulting in generational greatness
-  Gen 12:1-4/ Gen 24:1/ Gal 3:13-14
-  Gen 18:1-8/ Gen 21:1-6 (Rom 4:20-21)
(Gen 22:1-18)
·        We must understand that prophetic words are spiritual seeds                                                                -  1Pet 1:23/ 2Pet 1:19-21/ Gen 8:22

Week 2: Experiencing the Wonders of Divine Visitation - Part II
·        One sudden encounter gave David his place in destiny
-  1Sam 16:1-7/ 8-13                                     - Ps 34:1/ Ps 119:164
  (1Sam 17:23-54)
·        We must also recognize that every seed is watered by the sacrifice of praise                          - Pro 12:14/13:2/18:20, Heb 13:15

Week 3: Experiencing the Wonders of Divine Visitation - Part III
·        One visitation turned the life of Solomon around 
-  1Kg 3:3-13/ 1Kg 4:29-34
    (Matt 12:42)
·        We must recognize that seed brings forth fruits abundantly through praise
- Ps 67:5-7, Joel 1:11-12

Week 4: Experiencing the Wonders of Divine Visitation - Part IV
·        Paul an Apostle was made great by diverse visitations
- Act 16:22-32                                               - Act 27:20-25 (22)
 (1Cor 14:15/ 1Thess5:16/Jam 5:13)
·        With praise God will always step into the affairs of the saints– 2 Chr 20:22-24

Jesus is Lord!

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