Thursday 7 June 2012


From:        President, WMA
To:           All Mission Station  
Subject:    June 2012 Prophetic Focus
Date:        May 28, 2012

Glory greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ.
As a church I believe that everyone of us must have experienced tangible divine visitations throughout the month of May 2012 as God unveiled the reality of our peculiarity in a troubled world and because every genuine encounter with God lasts beyond a life time, the impact of this month shall continue to speak in everyone’s life till Jesus come. (Amen)
But what is the Holy Ghost saying for the month of June 2012?
We recognize that shame was one of the immediate after math of man’s fall in the Garden of Eden as Adam said “I heard thy voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked”. Gen.3:10. Remember the word also says “…all have sinned and come short (lost out) of the glory of God. Roms.3:23.
·        Everyone justified by the blood of Jesus is justified to be glorified (Roms. 8:29-30).
·        Through redemption we are called out of shame to glory and virtue (II Pet.1:3).

But where there is no vision the people are distressed, oppressed, helpless and reproached. (Is. 42:18-24).

As the bible says, “Where [there is] no vision, the people perish……” Pr.29:18.The word perish here means; to be stripped of honour and dignity. This same scripture according to other bible translations also means:           
·        “without a vision is a people made naked”                                            
·        “Where people do not receive divine guidance they run wild”            
From all of the above, vision can be defined as the gateway to our glorification. (Joel 2:1-11).

But what is vision? It is the unfolding of God’s plan as it relates to us. That is, our mission on earth, what we are in this world to do, where, when and how we are to do it.  Therefore, it is by vision we discover our mission while the steps to actualizing such mission is unveiled by divine direction.

Back in July 1977 I had a striking ‘word-encounter’ reading the book of Jeremiah where the bible says “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope”. Jer. 29:11 (RSV).

From the above scripture the Holy Ghost made me to understand among others that:
Ø Our future is in His plan and not in our plan
Ø And also that our purpose on earth is not our design but our discovery
Ø Our destiny, security, prosperity and posterity are all guaranteed by following His plan for us.

Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of June 2012 is, ‘I AM DESTINED FOR GLORY’ – Rom. 8:29-30.

Throughout this month of June God shall be bringing us into the centre of His plan and by so doing empowering us to ride the waves of glory without stress because:
·        When God is leading the way, obstacles are turned into miracles. Is. 48:17-22

Recommended books authored by David O. Oyedepo include:                          *Understanding Vision, *Understanding Divine Direction *In Pursuit of Vision *Ruling your world

Finally, the month of June shall be a month of open doors for all Winners. The next steps towards realizing the fullness of our glorious destiny shall be unveiled to everyone. It shall be a month of visions and revelations indeed for all of us in the Winners’ family. Amen and amen

Jesus is Lord!

Bishop David O. Oyedepo

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